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The Biggest Secret Review – By Mel Robbins

The Men Who Stoned America is the first book of Mel Robbins’ famous series on personal development and transformation. It’s a humorous look at how life can get really weird in a world that is supposed to provide opportunities for everyone. Mel Robbins first gained worldwide attention with her appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Rachel Ray Show. She has also had several other notable appearances on TV and in movies.

Men Who Stoned America is Robbins’ take on the road-trip lifestyle. In her book she shares the journey from having an unhappy childhood to becoming a successful, happy single woman. In this world, people are constantly searching for meaning in their lives. It’s easy to give in to the “me” generation and think that we are beyond change. But this isn’t true; we all have the power to change the world around us for the better.

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This book is focused on practical advice and lifestyle tips. It may make some readers uncomfortable because it discusses topics like drinking too much and not spending enough time with the people you love. However, those who love these topics understand that these are necessary for happiness. People are actually born with free will to want to be happy and pursued goals that will allow them to reach their potential.

One of the most interesting portions of the book to me was when Robbins talks about how you can use a “life system” to achieve your goals. In this case, she is literally talking about using a “life system” to determine what your goals are. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, you could create a plan that will let you know when to eat right and when to workout. You could actually schedule a weekly appointment with a trainer to help you stay on track. These systems really do work!

One of the greatest parts of the book to me is the photography Robbins displays throughout the book. Each page is gorgeous and breathtaking. It makes you realize just how lucky you are to be living the lifestyle that you currently do. When you finish the book, you will wonder how you lived before you read it. There are so many inspiring words and quotes within the pages of the book.

The bottom line is that The Biggest Secret book has really changed my life. Not only did I find a new purpose and happiness in my life, but I actually feel more fulfilled and happier than I ever have before. If you have not read the book series, you are missing out. Get your copy today!